Master planning is the method of developing or improving your property or building through a long-range plan that balances and harmonizes all elements.
This process is done at the very beginning of the project and helps you define and unify the vision for the space.
Creation of a master facility study and optimization plan is essential in guiding the long-term strategic development and implementation of upgrading, enhancing and maintaining your facility. It is a dynamic, long-range planning document that provides a guide for your future growth and development.
Types of Master PLAN:
There are two types of Master Plan
Strategic master plan
This might identify how an entire country, region or group of cities might be regenerated or changed in order to meet a perceived challenge. Public sector clients tend to be more likely to undertake strategic master plans which may be commissioned by a government department or regional board in order to help shape policy.
Project master plan
This tends to be focused on a specific site with definable boundaries. A project master plan might be commissioned by a developer with a piece of land to exploit, or by an estate wishing to tackle a backlog of defects or alter its building stock to respond to changing requirements
Master Planning Engineering Process
- Identification of capital renewal items—scope and budget
- Prioritization of capital renewal items into a multi-year renewal program
- Identification of “expansion” requirements on engineering infrastructure
- Integration of “expansion requirements” with the renewal program—along with the identification of “synergistic solutions”—the creative part
- Identifying the backbone of operational needs
- Creating a “realistic” strategic energy plan

Master planning process could be considered part of the teasing out of the key elements in the development of the first brief. By the time a master plan has developed to a planning application, most key decisions have been made.
Up until that point, the purpose of the master planning process is to encourage creative thinking, to test out of how these ideas might work in practice; developing a robust logic to underpin the scheme:
- Prepare a design brief.
- Undertake an options appraisal.
- Develop the design of the preferred option.
Benefits of Master PlanNING-
Master planning can benefit any construction project that requires a conscientious plan for the best use of a building’s space and the people who use that space, regardless of size.
Master planning helps the owner to define the needs or goals of the project, determine who will benefit or be impacted by it, and establish a plan to accomplish it.
Master planning enhances a construction project throughout all steps of the process – from design, to construction, to the best utilization of space. Here’s how.
- Control of Cost
- Optimization of Space
- Efficient Project
- Unified Vision
- Future & Long term growth
We recognize and respect the value and contribution brought by the rest of the design team and in particular the master plan architect, working with them to ensure that our engineering solutions enhance rather than compromise the master plan aspirations.
Our facility planning and optimization process is grounded in a collaborative, best practices approach tailored specifically to the needs of your community – parents, staff, community members, site neighbors and political interest groups.
Our process aims to create 21st Century environments while prioritizing maintainable spaces, sustainability and first-time and life-cycle costs.
Master planning enhances a construction project throughout all steps of the process – from design, to construction, to the best utilization of resources.
We are here to make your master planning process a success. We would love the opportunity to discuss your construction needs and help you uncover solutions to make the most of your facilities.
For Master Planning Engineering, Inquire us more
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